Sandy Sundling
March 2024
Non-Invasive Cardiology
Tanner Medical Center-Carrollton
United States




Sandy addresses those concerns and feelings with genuine care and hospitality.
We had a patient who was apprehensive about having a stress test. Sandy's calming tone and assurance helped ease the patient's nerves. I have witnessed her introduce herself to all her patients in the same manner. She ensures they know her name by making eye contact when speaking to the patient. She also finds something the patient loves - such as a good cup of coffee: "black, light, or somewhere in the middle," is how she puts it. I appreciate the time she takes to make the patient comfortable and ensure the patient knows she truly cares for them. She understands this is not just another test to complete our day, but it is a test that is sometimes new to a human who has human reactions such as apprehension, nervousness, or confusion. She addresses those concerns and feelings with genuine care and hospitality. This is just one aspect of Sandy's friendly and compassionate personality that makes her a fantastic nurse. What an honor it is to know and work alongside her. Our patients and healthcare system are truly blessed to have her!