Sarah Woznicki
February 2021
Hem Onc
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Sarah consistently gave them the care that others were too burned out to give.
I'm dying to see Sarah receive recognition for her work with a particular patient we had on our floor for about 2 years. Every nurse knows that some patients and families require extra grace at times. This patient and family were very, very challenging to deal with. Many great nurses got very burned out taking care of this patient and family. Our nursing management team even had to come up with a list to rotate nurses for this family. The ONLY NURSE who remained on this patient's team the entire time was Sarah Woznicki.
Sarah took care of this patient almost every time she came to work. She consistently gave them the care that others were too burned out to give. She was loving and patient - even in the face of distrust, frustration, and micro-management from the family. She would spend hours in the patient's room, just letting the teenage girl and her mom vent. We would be looking for Sarah to make sure she was ok, and she often was in this patient's room for 1/2 the shift (giving her heart and her time). I know people don't know what goes on behind closed hospital room doors, so it is difficult to give recognition to everyone. Sarah is a true DAISY Nurse. It is an absolute honor to work alongside her.
Sarah took care of this patient almost every time she came to work. She consistently gave them the care that others were too burned out to give. She was loving and patient - even in the face of distrust, frustration, and micro-management from the family. She would spend hours in the patient's room, just letting the teenage girl and her mom vent. We would be looking for Sarah to make sure she was ok, and she often was in this patient's room for 1/2 the shift (giving her heart and her time). I know people don't know what goes on behind closed hospital room doors, so it is difficult to give recognition to everyone. Sarah is a true DAISY Nurse. It is an absolute honor to work alongside her.