April 2024
Home Based Care Unit
VA NY Harbor Health Care System
New York
United States




His kindness, empathy, and humanity toward the patient and his family had a significant and meaningful impact.
I am the daughter of a veteran of the Korean War and a patient of Scott Stewart. My father was 88 years old,  mostly non-communicative, only partially ambulatory, and suffered from dementia when he was under Scott's care. Sadly, my dad passed away right before Thanksgiving.
So often, people will write letters to companies or institutions complaining about poor service or some perceived slight. I would rather write to you about an exceptional employee, Scott Stewart, who went above and beyond his assigned duties. From the moment my father came under Scott's care, my brother, sister, and I felt that our dad's healthcare was in capable, knowledgeable, and dedicated hands.  It was an extremely emotional and difficult situation, but Scott did not shy away from it. His kindness, empathy, and humanity toward the patient and his family had a significant and meaningful impact.
I believe Scott should be commended for being an exemplary healthcare worker and employee, that I know the Veterans Administration's values. 

Thank you to the Veteran's Administration for sending Scott Stewart to care for our dad ...it made a world of difference for our dad in his last months.