Sisay Yitayew
February 2024
Diabetes Medical Care Unit
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare
United States
In all of my six weeks working with her, I never once saw her falter from being accountable and full of integrity.
This semester, I had the pleasure of completing my preceptorship with Sisay Yitayew. From day one, she held me to high standards, and because of that, I learned so much. On my last shift with Sisay, we took care of a patient with altered mental status. He was a challenging patient because we couldn’t move him on to the next step of his care until he was off restraints for 48 hours. This soon became quite a task because he was so confused and would try to leave! However, Sisay could handle it, and with her guidance, we were able to help the patient have a successful day off from the restraints. Between assessments, we were at this patient’s bedside, reorienting him and making sure everything was okay. Sisay remained compassionate and respectful with this patient even when we needed assistance to clean him. In all of my six weeks working with her, I never once saw her falter from being accountable and full of integrity. She is an excellent nurse and preceptor and has a great love for the DMCU (many of whom she trained herself).