Stacie Wood
July 2013
Labor and Delivery
Tucson Medical Center
United States
I was 23 weeks pregnant with twins when my water broke. We rushed to Tucson Medical Center (TMC) and despite the valiant efforts of the doctors and nurses alike, I delivered twin A, the next day. She did not survive. Twin B decided to stayinme for a bit longer.
The next day we were blessed with an amazing nurse, Stacie, and she took greatness to a whole other level.
Given our precarious situation, there were a plethora of doctors to talk with, tests to be done, complications to be had, and extremely difficult decisions to be made. Stacie was right there every step of the way, offering comfort and gentle guidance. There are no words to describe how much she truly helped us during this time.
A day later, Stacie was our nurse again. After failed attempts at what the doctor described as "heroic measures," it was decided that I would need to deliver that evening. During this time, we were forced to make some of the most formidable decisions of our lives. Stacie offered immeasurable support throughout. Stacie stayed on after her shift ended so that she could attend myC-section. Stacie's familiar and comforting face offered hope and strength to us in an extremely frightening situation. Twin B was born weighing 1lb 6oz (intubated).
Twin B remained in the NICU for 3 1/2 months and Stacie remained involved the entire time. She even drove the 2 hours, with her family, to attend the memorial service for Twin A. Throughout this most difficult and challenging time in our lives, we were blessed with a nurse that became a friend, an angel on our shoulders. Forthis,we are extremely grateful.
Despite all odds, our tiny miracle came home 2 weeks ago. And ofcourse,Stacie was there to walk us out to our car! Going way above the call of duty, Stacie is no ordinary nurse. She is so much more than that.
The next day we were blessed with an amazing nurse, Stacie, and she took greatness to a whole other level.
Given our precarious situation, there were a plethora of doctors to talk with, tests to be done, complications to be had, and extremely difficult decisions to be made. Stacie was right there every step of the way, offering comfort and gentle guidance. There are no words to describe how much she truly helped us during this time.
A day later, Stacie was our nurse again. After failed attempts at what the doctor described as "heroic measures," it was decided that I would need to deliver that evening. During this time, we were forced to make some of the most formidable decisions of our lives. Stacie offered immeasurable support throughout. Stacie stayed on after her shift ended so that she could attend myC-section. Stacie's familiar and comforting face offered hope and strength to us in an extremely frightening situation. Twin B was born weighing 1lb 6oz (intubated).
Twin B remained in the NICU for 3 1/2 months and Stacie remained involved the entire time. She even drove the 2 hours, with her family, to attend the memorial service for Twin A. Throughout this most difficult and challenging time in our lives, we were blessed with a nurse that became a friend, an angel on our shoulders. Forthis,we are extremely grateful.
Despite all odds, our tiny miracle came home 2 weeks ago. And ofcourse,Stacie was there to walk us out to our car! Going way above the call of duty, Stacie is no ordinary nurse. She is so much more than that.