Tanveer Zarfishan
October 2018
General Oncology Ward
Al Zahra Hospital
Al Barsha 1, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
I was 34 years old when I was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer (right breast). Having a 6-month-old baby at the time, I knew that this new period in my life was going to be challenging for me and for my beloved husband and family. Starting with chemotherapy treatment, I was not sure what to expect and while I was doing all I could to remain positive, some concerns started to appear; fear started to arise. But when Tanveer introduced himself with a huge smile and great positivity, I quickly understood that I was in good hands for this new chapter in my life. Not only did Tanveer greet me with kindness every time he saw me in and outside of the patient room, but he would always have a reassuring word for me. With Tanveer, you feel like you are a human being who matters, who deserves to live and to be loved. With Tanveer, you feel as if whatever happens in the future, the present is bright in spite of times of darkness. With Tanveer, I have always kept my smile, never once doubting that things will be alright whatever the outcome because I have always felt comfortable and reassured. Additionally, his speed and quality of work are outstanding. Today, as I close the "Chemo" Chapter of my life, on my 8th chemo, and the last one hopefully, I want to thank Tanveer for his dedication, passion, and professionalism. May he be recognized and rewarded for his outstanding performance at work.