Tiffany Wittmer
October 2019
Emergency Department
Sutter Delta Medical Center
United States
Many nursing contributions go unnoticed. However, in the case of Tiffany Wittmer in the Sutter Delta Emergency Room, we, her coworkers, definitely feel her presence every shift. My first interaction with Tiffany was when I was a mere traveler. Tiffany welcomed me and other travelers with open arms. She always made herself available to answer any questions and offer help. Even though it was appreciated, travelers in the ER at Sutter Delta were not special. Tiffany is warm, welcoming and accessible to every person in our ER. Why does this matter? Tiffany's energy is not only healing to patients but healing and inspiring to her coworkers. She believes in teamwork and strongly believes in creating a positive healing space. And we are all better for it.
Our day is always better with her presence. Our patient population at Sutter Delta Medical Center is complex. It is made up of different age groups, ethnic backgrounds, cultures and educational backgrounds. I have personally witnessed Tiffany connect with humanity in each of these populations. Although she is efficient, she takes the time to inform and educate her patients in a way they can understand. She does not talk at her patients, but she talks to them. Which is a difference that means the world.
I fondly remember Tiffany taking care of a pregnant woman, who was having a miscarriage very early in her pregnancy. As ER nurses, this is a very common type of patient. Most of us concentrate on the mother because the fetus is not viable to live outside the mother. We are programmed to save the mother. However, Tiffany went above and beyond. Not only did she comfort the mother, but she allowed healing space to mourn the fetus. For a moment in time, the life of the fetus was no less important than any other patient. It was truly beautiful to see the closure it brought the mother.
In addition to being a wonderful nurse, Tiffany believes that we as health professionals should never stop learning. She recently obtained her MSN at the University of San Francisco as a Clinical Nurse Leader. We, her coworkers had the opportunity to witness the hard work and perseverance it took to accomplish this goal. Even with the challenge of obtaining an MSN with a family and young children, never once did she give less than one hundred percent at work. I know she will inspire many nurses in the future.
Tiffany Wittmer believes in excellence. Being a nurse is more than a career to her, it is her calling. In the words of Maya Angelou, "They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel." And Tiffany is simply unforgettable.
Our day is always better with her presence. Our patient population at Sutter Delta Medical Center is complex. It is made up of different age groups, ethnic backgrounds, cultures and educational backgrounds. I have personally witnessed Tiffany connect with humanity in each of these populations. Although she is efficient, she takes the time to inform and educate her patients in a way they can understand. She does not talk at her patients, but she talks to them. Which is a difference that means the world.
I fondly remember Tiffany taking care of a pregnant woman, who was having a miscarriage very early in her pregnancy. As ER nurses, this is a very common type of patient. Most of us concentrate on the mother because the fetus is not viable to live outside the mother. We are programmed to save the mother. However, Tiffany went above and beyond. Not only did she comfort the mother, but she allowed healing space to mourn the fetus. For a moment in time, the life of the fetus was no less important than any other patient. It was truly beautiful to see the closure it brought the mother.
In addition to being a wonderful nurse, Tiffany believes that we as health professionals should never stop learning. She recently obtained her MSN at the University of San Francisco as a Clinical Nurse Leader. We, her coworkers had the opportunity to witness the hard work and perseverance it took to accomplish this goal. Even with the challenge of obtaining an MSN with a family and young children, never once did she give less than one hundred percent at work. I know she will inspire many nurses in the future.
Tiffany Wittmer believes in excellence. Being a nurse is more than a career to her, it is her calling. In the words of Maya Angelou, "They may forget your name, but they will never forget how you made them feel." And Tiffany is simply unforgettable.