Tracie Wright
December 2012
Pediatric ED
Cape Fear Valley Medical Center
United States
Tracie Wright was working an evening shift in the Pediatric Emergency Department when a mother brought her child in for an examination and had no ride home. A taxi was called and they arrived without a child safety seat for the child. Generally they do have child safety seats but on this particular night we were told they did not. The taxi driver would not transport the mother and child without the safety seat. This meant the patient would have to stay in the lobby until 7am to catch the bus. Tracie was not going to stand for that. She went to her vehicle and gave them her own child's safety seat so the family could get a ride home and not have to spend the night in the waiting room.
I was not surprised when I got an email about this good deed that Tracie had done. Tracie has been a member of our team in the Pediatric Emergency Room for about 8 years. She always provides compassionate care and provides excellent holistic care to her patients. Tracie is an excellent nurse and a great person. I am glad she is on my team to provide excellent care to our communities children.
I was not surprised when I got an email about this good deed that Tracie had done. Tracie has been a member of our team in the Pediatric Emergency Room for about 8 years. She always provides compassionate care and provides excellent holistic care to her patients. Tracie is an excellent nurse and a great person. I am glad she is on my team to provide excellent care to our communities children.