Zach Yoder
August 2024
Dupont Hospital
Fort Wayne
United States
The story is very touching and Zach not only touched his heart, but his soul and per the patient, he is a changed man.
Zach was the nurse who gave a patient “Hope.” I spoke with the patient and he shared that Zach was the reason he is still alive and now an avid reader of the Bible- “My Daily Bread” and praying every day. The story is very touching and Zach not only touched his heart, but his soul and per the patient, he is a changed man. Zach helped him stay positive when others had given up hope on his serving. The patient came to visit and share his story with staff on Easter Sunday. Zach was not here, but we called him so the patient could talk with him. He brought Zach an Easter basket. Zach touched his life and his soul and is saved as well. What a great story. He truly was called to do this work.