Alicia Funk
June 2024
4E- Medical
MercyOne North Iowa Medical Center
Mason City
United States




Alicia is continuously supporting the staff on the floor, whether it is through physical assistance with staff or patients or providing moral support.
Alicia is an excellent leader who not only gives her all to the patients on the floor but also to our staff. Alicia is continuously on the floor assisting the other nurses with whatever they need. Every day when she comes to work, she dedicates herself to the patients and this floor. It is critical not just to provide exceptional care to patients but also to provide the same care to your colleagues in the healthcare field. There are many things about Alicia that are DAISY-worthy. I will try to sum it up in a few reasons; otherwise, we would be here all day. Alicia provides excellent support, compassion, empathy, and guidance. Alicia is an exceptional nurse.

Alicia is continuously supporting the staff on the floor, whether it is through physical assistance with staff or patients or providing moral support. She is always on the floor, jumping in where she is needed without hesitation. It becomes essential for us nurses not just to support our patients but also our colleagues. It’s not easy to do. Every day, Alicia goes above and beyond in her profession. I honestly don't know how she does it, especially on difficult nights. But she can and does inspire us all to do our best, and she is there to help us succeed as a staff and the best outcomes for our patients.

This past week, a nurse went home sick while we were already short-staffed. Alicia was not only working as the charge nurse and had 7 patients herself, but she also had to take on another entire group of patients when a fellow nurse became unwell and had to leave. This left Alicia responsible for 14 patients. Alicia didn't complain because that's what the floor needed at the time and there was nobody else to do it. Alicia stepped up. Alicia also provides support to her patients with empathy and compassion. I've seen Alicia get down on eye level and give her time and understanding to patients who aren't very pleasant to us or who are suffering from mental health issues or detox patients, where she delivers the most underrated and most valuable thing: a listening ear. It is tough to ignore the patient's name-calling or harsh behavior while we are just trying to perform our duties. Alicia, on the other hand, has always been able to provide the necessary support and attention to patients, no matter how disrespectful they may be. As a result, many patients who intended to leave AMA now want to stay, allowing the patient to receive the best possible outcome and be able to get the treatment they deserve and need.

Compassion, oh boy, I don't know where to start. Compassion and empathy I believe go hand in hand. You empathize with your patients and show compassion, and you do this because you genuinely care and not for bragging rights. Alicia does so many things unnoticed because she is genuinely a compassionate nurse who empathizes with her patients. For example, Alicia had a patient on comfort care this last month. There were some family dynamics at play, and unfortunately, this man was all alone. When the patient took a turn for the worse, Alicia took the time to call the family members. There was some conflict between family members, and once again, Alicia lent a listening ear over the phone between family members and was able to resolve the conflict. Alicia then offered to hold the phone to the patient ear so the sister could say their final words. Then Alicia went on to not only provide excellent comfort care, but she sat and talked to this patient while holding his hand even though he was unable to respond if she wasn't in another patient's room supporting other nurses. The patient was given a bed bath, massage, and music, and Alicia stayed two hours after her shift ended since she did not want the patient to pass away alone. She was not compensated for this. The family had no idea she did this, and neither did the patient himself. Alicia simply and sincerely wanted to be there for her patient.

When you have a question or need to be taught a certain skill, Alicia is the one to ask on the floor. Alicia not only allocates her time to imparting knowledge and demonstrating skills to our staff, but she does so in a way that makes you want to come back for more. When we, as healthcare providers, don't know something, we must feel comfortable asking for guidance. It's not always easy. Alicia is always willing to assist and guide our team. The ability to educate nurses on new skills or ways to improve makes us all better nurses and allows us to provide the best possible care for our patients. Alicia devotes her time to the floor team members and our patients. It's truly appreciated.

When I think of a DAISY Honoree, I envision a sincere and compassionate nurse who delivers exceptional care when no one is looking. A nurse who goes above and beyond but is unaware of it because they believe it is simply something that should be done. That is a perfect example of Alicia; she is always working for the patient or the team rather than herself. Alicia demonstrates compassion not only for her patients and their families but also for her coworkers. When a nurse on the floor needs help, whether it be with a challenging circumstance, to bed changes, or even just placing an IV, Alicia is there without complaint and eager to help. She clearly enjoys what she does, and it shows in her desire to educate others in a way that makes them feel accomplished and equipped to do the job. We as staff members on 4 east appreciate Alicia and believe she is what a DAISY Award is all about.