DAISY Champion

Do you have someone who has worked especially hard to make your DAISY Award program very meaningful for your nurses and successful for your organization?  Someone you think is a true DAISY Champion?

We have created The DAISY Champion to celebrate those who make DAISY possible in your facility.

Please note that The DAISY Champion is not an award but is presented by the organization as a gift of gratitude to a staff member that makes their DAISY Award program wonderful.  The DAISY Champion does not get registered as a DAISY Honoree and is not able to apply for DAISY Honoree Benefits.

The DAISY Champion includes a personalized video from DAISY Co-Founder and President Bonnie Barnes thanking your Champion for their hard work and dedication to the success of your DAISY Program.  Also included are a DAISY Certificate and Portfolio.

There is no cost to The DAISY Champion as described above, but you may wish to purchase a beautiful Celebratory Healer's Touch Sculpture to present to your DAISY Champion as well.  The Celebratory Healer's Touch Sculptures are made by the same Shona artists in Zimbabwe who create all of our DAISY Healers, as well as our Large Healer's Touch sculptures.  To learn more about the process and the artists, click here. The Celebratory Healer is available to be purchased for $160.00

Order now in the Resource Center or contact your Regional Team with questions.