Alina Galieva
December 2022
Parker Adventist Hospital
United States




I trusted Alina immediately due to her openness and kindness. She showed integrity in caring for many patients in the same manner she cared for me.
I was supposed to be sent home by 2 PM after an hour stay in recovery, but due to complications, I was not released until after 7 PM. When Alina realized my recovery time would be extended, she brought my husband in. My husband is a fully disabled Vietnam veteran who is 6’4” and 300 pounds. Without prompting, Alina decided to bring in a recliner, for which my husband was very grateful.

I was experiencing extreme pain and without me asking, I heard Alina call my doctor to request additional medication and instructions. Alina had several other patients to care for while tending to me, but each time she cared for me, Alina explained what I was experiencing and encouraged me. For hours, Alina stayed with me or checked on me. During our conversation, Alina told us she had children and was excited because that day she started a new schedule where she could leave earlier to be with her family. When her shift ended, we asked her why she had not left. She told me she was helping another nurse with her caseload and wanted to stay with me until I was released. She stayed several more hours, often sitting with me, speaking in soothing tones with encouragement.

I trusted Alina immediately due to her openness and kindness. She showed integrity in caring for many patients in the same manner she cared for me. She consistently followed up when she said she would. Alina demonstrated compassion and grace by staying by my side, under undesirable conditions. She advocated for me by initiating calls to my doctor to alert her to my situation. She respected my husband and his military service by also providing comfort to him. She spoke kindly to other patients and the nursing staff. Alina’s excellence gave me an outstanding experience in a difficult recovery from major surgery. Alina even put my care and needs over her family, which I would never ask of any healthcare worker.