Allison Dunten
September 2021
Emergency Department
Riley Hospital for Children
United States




Allison demonstrated the behaviors, attitude, and advocacy to provide effective and equitable care for her patients.
Allison cared for Afghanistan refugees during her shifts. As refugees, and a new population to central Indiana, there are many cultural and medical challenges that add to the complexity of care. While caring for a 9-day old baby being evaluated for elevated bilirubin and lethargy, Allison also recognized the infant was underweight. When the lab work came back and the child was to be discharged, Allison advocated for the child’s weight concerns and recognized the infant was not latching well during feeds. It was a holiday weekend, and no lactation consultants were available to support the family. The recommended solution was to provide formula and bottle feed the infant. Allison was able to recognize that the mother was unfamiliar with bottles and formula, and it was not safe to discharge the child.

Additionally, Allison went a step further and identified the lack of resources at the military base to provide ongoing formula, bottles, feeding support, and transportation. Allison brought these concerns for this vulnerable population forward to her department leadership team for escalation. This is one example of how Allison demonstrated the behaviors, attitude, and advocacy to provide effective and equitable care for her patients. Allison was able to draw on exceptional nursing skills to identify issues despite cultural differences and communication barriers.

Allison was a strong patient advocate, worked diligently to attempt to problem solve, escalated concerns to appropriate levels, and recognized longer-term issues that could put this child and mother into a potentially detrimental situation. This is an exceptional demonstration of the IU Health values of purpose, excellence, compassion, and team while exhibiting diversity and inclusion through cultural competence with the IU Health promise of the best care.