Amanda Faust
March 2015
Providence St. Vincent Medical Center
United States




Amanda Faust was a night nurse who attended to me during my hospital stay in the PSCU Unit. The entire time Amanda was there - physically and emotionally. She helped keep me calm and breathe through out. As I think of all the incredible people who are now a part of our family's story, Amanda always comes to mind. How do you thank someone who has literally held your baby's life in their hands? How can she possibly know how she comforted me, gave me hope during the most terrifying minutes of my life? It was her courage and the way she swooped in to help without stopping for a minute to doubt, or fear, or even to stop and think - she just acted. She never forgot that in the midst of the crisis there was a person, a mother, sick with worry for her baby. I'd like Amanda to know how much she means to us. I am certain it was no accident she was on shift that night to do such heroic work. She will forever be a part of the story of our family and the story of my son's life.