December 2019
University of Texas at Tyler: School of Nursing
United States




I just felt I needed to email you personally about a student who was with us today. This young lady was phenomenal! I'm usually pretty reserved about my opinion with students but I was extremely impressed. She came to our unit pleasant, prepared, interested, and eager to help and learn. She did not just help patients assigned to her nurse, but she helped everyone. She even tried to help answer the phones when we got super busy but had no idea what to really say or do. She got an A for her effort though. We had an incontinent special needs patient who was having multiple large bowel movements. This young lady put her gloves on and helped us clean this person more than once. I've been here for almost 8 years and have never had a student help like that. We had another autistic child who was very busy and energetic. The mother of this patient needed to walk away for a while. The kid was screaming down the hall. She gathered toys, went to the room, calmed this child, and played with him unafraid. I also wanted you and the staff to know that we have gotten some great students, but to me today, Amy stood out! She had a smile on her face every time I saw her, and she had the sweetest disposition.