Angie Hamilton
August 2019
Orthopedics and Dermatology
Horizon Health - Paris Clinic
United States




Angie takes the time to know her patients on a personal level, continuously doing extraordinary things for her patients and their families.
She recognized that illness made it difficult for a patient so she brought them freezer meals.
She has also routinely used her personal time, including her lunch hours and evenings, to find resources for patients to meet their needs. She then follows up with the patients, and their external providers if needed, to ensure they are getting the help they need.
She is continuously donating her personal time, money, and resources to community programs. Her current contribution is taking donations of food, toys, medications, litter, etc. to the humane association.
She is passionate about helping our community fight drug addiction in the CARE Coalition, which includes working with the addict to have a successful recovery, as well as working with families of addicts.
She has also donated her time to the local PERK program, which stands for People Encouraging Remarkable Kids. She has made such an impression on her previous PERK buddy who, once she learned he was sad his term was over, she continued to eat lunch and visit with him.
She has ensured safer skin for 100s in Paris and nearby communities due to her sunscreen pump station efforts.
Angie received a call from a concerned family regarding their toddler. She went around midnight to their home and then went with the family to the ED, helping and comforting the family all night.
She is humble in helping others and doesn't boast about what she does. She does all of this on top of the responsibilities of her family and farm. Not only should she be recognized for the wonderful nurse practitioner she is but for all she does for the community and for being such an amazing, selfless person.