Anne-Laure Chaillou
May 2023
Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford
Palo Alto
United States




When staff or her leadership team has faced personal and work-related stressors, she shows compassion by taking the time to listen and always seeks feedback and ways to make a difference.
Anne-Laure is a humble, insightful leader who has led PICU through the many challenges faced in the past three years (i.e., the personal loss of her mother, pandemic, social/political unrest, wildfires, work stoppage, and winter surge). Anne-Laure has used the experience of pain and loss as an opportunity to learn, grow and be the steady calm voice and presence in the unit. Truly nothing rattles her! At least not outwardly! She claims it is because she is French, but I say it is because she has faith that we in PICU have what it takes to make it through. When staff or her leadership team has faced personal and work-related stressors, she shows compassion by taking the time to listen and always seeks feedback and ways to make a difference. This has resulted at times in taking in very hard feedback, but she hasn’t shied away but instead has really leaned in. Seeing Anne-Laure leaning in has demonstrated to her leadership team and staff that they matter, and no issue is too big or too hard to talk about or address, and that their voice be it happy, sad, angry, disappointed, scared or whatever it may be is welcomed and matters to her. As a result, PICU is turning a corner thanks in part to Anne-Laure’s leadership and commitment to listening, acknowledging what is hard, and searching for solutions in partnership with our PICU nurses (i.e., PICU culture taskforces, unit retention workgroup).