Ashley Abboud
November 2019
Ochsner Medical Center - Kenner
United States
One day, a pediatric patient and mother showed up on the 4th floor at 9 am for their ENT appointment with the Pediatric ENT specialist at Ochsner Jefferson Highway. The Spanish speaking mother handed Ashley the appointment letter. After realizing they were at the wrong campus, Ashley stepped in and called the ENT clinic explaining what happened. Ashley assisted by adding the location to the mother's cell phone but was then told the mother and child traveled by bus to get here. The Jefferson Highway ENT clinic agreed to see the child late and requested they come by 9:50 am. Ashley clocked out and drove the mother and child to Jefferson Highway to make the ENT appointment. The child's head growth was uneven and the evaluation by ENT was critical. Thank you for taking the time to be this child's advocate and facilitating a means to get to the needed care. We appreciate all that you do for our patients, families, and team. Thank you for being on our nursing team here at Ochsner Kenner.