Ashley Kintigh
October 2021
Sr. Profess Staff Nurse, BSN
3East Stepdown
UPMC East Hospital
United States




Ashley would take her time to explain to my dad the results or why things are being done and calm him down with pictures of her precious baby boy.
My husband had Ashley as a nurse when he was in the hospital for heart issues. He also has a rare auto immune disease that has damaged his lungs and kidneys. He gets confused and agitated when the doctors come in and discuss his condition because he can’t always answer their questions or understand what they are telling him. Ashley had a way of calming him down and even making him laugh when he would get so agitated. She not only took care of him physically but understood what he needed mentally. To us that is priceless.

It is easy to get upset or frustrated when dealing with someone like my husband, but she took it all in stride and never lost her patience with him. He loves and misses his grandkids and Ashley showed him pictures of her son which calmed him. She just has a very compassionate way with her patients that you don’t see with everyone. With everything, the nurses have to deal with it really is amazing that she treats each patient like they are the most important patient she has.

My dad has been in the hospital off and on for several months. With new diagnoses and new health issues, it can be confusing to keep up with all of the new information and new medications. A lot of doctors come in and out all specializing in their own areas of expertise and Ashley would take her time to explain to my dad the results or why things are being done and calm him down with pictures of her precious baby boy. Her bedside manner is amazing, and she knows when to be stern and when to joke around and lighten the mood. She is definitely one of a kind.