Ashley Korth
February 2018
Banner Desert Medical Center
United States




Coming to the hospital is never fun. But when it is for your child, it is so much worse. We met Ashley our first day and she was so calming and sweet. She tried to cheer up my daughter. Day 2, my daughter had to go into surgery to get the fluid off her chest. She walked with us and let me break down and cry after she was taken back. She held me as I cried on her shoulders for what felt like forever. When T came back from surgery, she was on a vent. I thought that was the worst day of my life. I was wrong.
The next day, Ashley was standing next to T's bed while the PICC team was looking at her arm. T was still on a vent. Ashley stayed as calm as I had seen her, but I could tell something was wrong. I looked up at the machines and saw my daughter's heart stop. My world crashed! I watched Ashley move around the bed, jump over machines to get the bag and call for help. Ashley began compressions on my five-year-old as I was helplessly watching. I lost whatever composure I had left and ran out of the room screaming. I collapsed in the hall, hurting as my daughter was being cared for by Ashley. I looked up and could see her doing compressions as Dr. L came running down the hall.
If it were not for Ashley, I honestly believe this would have turned into a different story. She did what a nurse is trained to do, but did so with compassion, calmness, and urgency all at once. Thanking her is not nearly enough. While so many people have helped me get through this from RTs, nurses, doctors, and child life, Ashley was there for my family for the worst part. My daughter is doing amazing now and we are about to head home, but Ashley will be remembered by my family forever.