Barbara Clark
December 2016
Intensive Care Unit
PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center
United States




I came into the ICU anxious, scared and upset while also being in a lot of pain. Within a couple of hours Barb came on shift and I became her "responsibility"--however, she never once made me feel that way. She listened to me talk, cry, ask many, many questions and always smiled and could make me laugh. Barb exemplifies the true meaning of Care. I had questions, she had answers (or would go above and beyond to get them). I would cry, she would comfort me with simple words and complete compassion for my situation. I was scared and she was there to help me understand what was happening. I had her running around, too! Always "BUZZING" Barb for something which I'm sure can be extremely annoying---but I never saw any annoyance or frustration from her.
All in all, Barb Clark deserves to be acknowledged for her dedication to the patients in her care but also for her softness of heart to communicate on a patient's level as she excels in providing care to us! Kudos to Barb....she's a true asset to St. Joe's Hospital and I was lucky to have been blessed to have her as my nurse. Thank you!