Becky Bredahl
October 2022
Labor and Delivery
Munson Medical Center
Traverse City
United States




She truly does care for her patients and was there at every whim to give us the best care all around.
Our baby was diagnosed with Trisomy 13 at 20 weeks. We came into the hospital on December 15th in labor with our sweet baby. It was a long labor and turned into a C-section. Our whole nursing staff the entire time we were here were incredible. (Aimee Meghan Evona Rhea Becky and Allisa). They were all super sweet, supportive, timely, and compassionate. Everyone was so sensitive and accommodating to our needs for our sweet baby girl and myself. Above all though, Becky went above and beyond to communicate and do whatever she could to help us. She advocated for us and became a voice for our needs for our daughter and our well-being here. She took our baby to help watch her so Mom and Dad could get some sleep. She spoke with every doctor to make sure we had a clear comforting plan for our little lady. She took time to give us pointers and advice from her many years of experience to make our daughter the most comfortable she could. With our daughter receiving comfort care, it was so relieving that Becky was able to run around and do our leg work to speak with doctors and our case worker to line up hospice care for home and everything. She truly does care for her patients and was there at every whim to give us the best care all around. I’ve never been in a situation where the nurse showed so much compassion and attentiveness to her patient. My husband, myself, and our daughter will forever be grateful for the experience we had here and to Becky for making this an unforgettable heartwarming stay at the hospital. We will never forget any of the staff for all their support and kindness. We are eternally grateful.