Becky Dines
May 2020
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
United States




Becky goes above and beyond for her patients not just once or twice, but consistently and repeatedly. I am always amazed when I hear yet another story of something she did for a patient or family member. Her stories are so frequent that I'm convinced she's actually Superwoman. She's the epitome of what a nurse is and does, and her dedication and endless effort are inspiring to see. Her most recent act of extreme kindness was that she came into the hospital on her day off and offered to take a patient outside because she knew he liked going out. This patient was an amputee who did not get visitors, and in an effort to cheer him up, Becky swooped in to provide the Cura Personalis we always talk about here. In her regular clothes, she got the patient from the bed to the wheelchair and took the patient outside for some fresh air and rejuvenation, and settled him back into bed safely when they returned. Though her shifts may end, Becky never stops thinking about or checking in on, not only her patients but any patient that she's had contact with. Last week another nurse's patient traumatically coded on the unit and the patient was rushed to the ICU. Throughout the following days, Becky texted the other nurses who worked to check and see if anyone knew how the patient was doing. Her sense of duty to her patients is all-encompassing and she wholeheartedly throws herself into her work.
Not only does Becky's dedication, support, compassion, and caring extend to her patients, it also extends to her coworkers. She will often pick up shifts, including odd split shifts in order to help her coworkers when they need assistance covering their shift for a move, family emergency, etc. This week Becky came in, yet again, on her day off with her daughter to check on the patient who coded and to put a sign up in our breakroom inviting anyone to join her and her family for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The sign states "Please don't be alone on Christmas Eve and/or Christmas! Hang out with my family! Text me Becky (phone number included). *Let me know what food reminds you of the holidays and I will attempt to make it!" This woman is truly an angel. She devoutly watches out for everyone she encounters and strives to ensure that they are all cared for whether a patient or a peer. The DAISY Award says that it's in appreciation to nurses "for the important difference they make in all the lives they touch" and while most interpret this to mean only patients and patient family members, I see it to mean ALL lives including coworkers and hospital staff. Her commitment to humankind is astonishing and truly moving. She genuinely cares for every person she comes across regardless of who they are and where they come from. We are beyond blessed to have her on 6 Main, not just as a nurse, but as an incredible, awe-inspiring human.