Benjamin Young
December 2022
Emergency Unit
Oklahoma City VA Health Care System
Oklahoma City
United States
Ben went above and beyond
Ben Young was working on Christmas Day in the Nurse Officer of the Day (NOD) office when a veteran presented to the Emergency Department in crisis. The Veteran’s echo showed 3.4 L of fluid in the pericardium, and the Cath Lab was activated for an emergency interventional.
Ben activated the Cath Lab on-call and helped transport the veteran from ED to the Cath Lab once the team arrived. Ben went above and beyond; he stayed in Cath Lab for most of the case, assisting staff with anything they needed. Cath lab staff later reported to their supervisor that they were appreciative of Ben’s help and the speed at which he was able to complete tasks.
Ben activated the Cath Lab on-call and helped transport the veteran from ED to the Cath Lab once the team arrived. Ben went above and beyond; he stayed in Cath Lab for most of the case, assisting staff with anything they needed. Cath lab staff later reported to their supervisor that they were appreciative of Ben’s help and the speed at which he was able to complete tasks.