Brittany Isenburg
April 2021
Care Area 7 (Hem/Onc)
Phoenix Children's Hospital
United States




Brittany recognizes that and talks to her as the young adult she is.
My daughter was diagnosed when she was 9. She is almost 14 now. She has grown up in this hospital, unfortunately. From day 1 she has loved Brittany. Now that she is a teen, she doesn’t like to be treated like a baby. Brittany recognizes that and talks to her as the young adult she is. My daughter says, “She Always brightens up the mood in the hospital and she is Always on top of things.” Mom and dad agree. There are so many more amazing things we could share about Brittany, we could fill out a book, but we will keep it to this nomination text box.

Note: This is Brittany's 2nd DAISY Award!