Camila Hernandez
January 2024
Medical Surgical
Nicklaus Children's Hospital
United States




This is when Camila got up from her station and confidently told me and the CA, “I know M, and this is not M." Just moments earlier, she had already called the resident to have them made aware and then came to tell me she needed to be seen ASAP.
M has been a patient at Nicklaus Children’s Hospital, where we received great service from many Residents, Fellows, Attending Doctors, Nurses, Care Assistants, and LPNs, but one nurse, Camila, made a world of difference in M’s 30+ day hospital stay at 3 North, 3rd Floor GI unit. She has a bright future ahead of herself. Camila took the time to get to know M for who she was as a person, which only enhanced her natural ability when providing the nursing services and support that M ultimately needed. With every shift, Camila would take extra time to talk to M, understand her humor, listen to her stories and ask great follow-up questions. It started with small acts like, a fun & positive energy when she walked into her room, a high-five for encouragement or holding her hand when getting an IV. I can’t forget to mention that Sunday when M was dreading "wash hair day." She was well overdue. As a dad, I wasn’t able to help much as I don’t understand women’s curly Caribbean hair. That is beyond me for sure. Camila listened to M’s long 5-step process with her many hair products, then made a 2 pm appointment with M, so now my daughter couldn’t back out, which was exactly what she needed. The entire process was no less than an hour, and yes, her curls came out amazing. One of the funniest moments was at the end when M told her "Camila, THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping. Without you…. My dad and I would have been sooooooooo frustrated with each other. Now I look great, and I’m not mad at my dad either."

As I mentioned, Camila getting to know M’s personality, as well as likes and dislikes, was the key that led to the Friday, which was a turning point in M’s overall health. I will be forever grateful for her pro-activeness and guidance during this scary time. Although M’s health was getting better with her Crohn’s diagnosis, she was beginning to get side effects from one or more medications she was taking. This day, M was still being fun, talkative and loving but it was on a completely different level. As a parent, I knew something was different, but I was overwhelmed and was patient as I didn’t want to overreact to not get her scared. As I continued observing her throughout the day, I had a “pit in my stomach “ that something was wrong. Shortly after, I was talking to a Care Assistant about something we needed and said, "M is not herself today." This is when Camila got up from her station and confidently told me and the CA, “I know M, and this is not M." Just moments earlier, she had already called the resident to have them made aware and then came to tell me she needed to be seen ASAP. By the end of the weekend some meds were changed, and she was getting better.

This act by Camila gave me the confidence to "trust my gut even more." The following week, my daughter improved, but by the next Sunday night, again, she wasn’t right. This time, I knew exactly what to do. I asked for the Resident to examine her, and that night, she rallied the troops and put a plan in place for that evening and the rest of the week, and successfully, my daughter was herself in a couple of days. The difference this time was that I learned from Camila’s prior actions how and when I needed to escalate it and what to look for to be proactive in communicating my concerns. With a very soon-to-come discharge, M is truly M again, and I can’t ask for anything more. Thank you, Camila!