December 2020
Heart and Vascular Institute
CHI Health Creighton University Medical Center- Bergan Mercy
Cari had done her other duties but always came back to me without me having to pull the call light. As my pain grew so did her caring.
It all started with me having a catheter put in my right leg. For some reason in which I don't know it started to hurt with full force and it was a pain I never felt before and a pain I wish to never wish to feel again. When the pain hit with full force I broke down and cried like a baby and that's when Cari came to my side and began to help me get through that long day and night of pain. She held my hand, she even cried with me while still giving comfort to me. I know some things are done according to company policy, but a caring and sincere nurse with a big heart.
Cari had done her other duties but always came back to me without me having to pull the call light. As my pain grew so did her caring. I am also a minister/pastor and I've never felt so much comfort in the way she helped me get through that night until the morning when the Doctor said that the catheter can be removed, which was done by Cari.
In a nutshell, I believe God had an angel working in her on my behalf. She was so helpful to me, I just don't know how I could have made it to the morning without her. She was with me every step of the way and never left me to cry alone. Tears come to my eyes even as I write this because she is the first nurse to ever go above and beyond for me and for me. I pray The Lord will bless her greatly for the way she stood and treated me.
Cari had done her other duties but always came back to me without me having to pull the call light. As my pain grew so did her caring. I am also a minister/pastor and I've never felt so much comfort in the way she helped me get through that night until the morning when the Doctor said that the catheter can be removed, which was done by Cari.
In a nutshell, I believe God had an angel working in her on my behalf. She was so helpful to me, I just don't know how I could have made it to the morning without her. She was with me every step of the way and never left me to cry alone. Tears come to my eyes even as I write this because she is the first nurse to ever go above and beyond for me and for me. I pray The Lord will bless her greatly for the way she stood and treated me.