Carolyn Dodge
June 2022
Inpatient Rehab
Aurora Lakeland Medical Center
United States




It really meant the world to me that someone I hadn’t known before would really get what I was about.
When you bring a loved one into a hospital setting, you hope to find the best care for them. The love of my life was given the opportunity to participate in the intensive rehab unit at Lakeland Hospital. After following the ambulance to the facility, I hoped A would be in the “best” place. I cannot tell you how much it meant to me to know that his nurse, Carolyn, had his back. Her focus was on A and she knew exactly what he needed from the beginning. Her focus never left him and I trusted her knowledge and support. When I left the hospital that first night, I stopped to tell her how much I appreciated her care and expertise, and to please let me know if there was anything I could do to help A. When we had the Friday meeting and I listened to all the amazing support personnel for my husband, I was surprised that Carolyn remembered what I said on that first night and she told the team how much I supported A to make him well again. It really meant the world to me that someone I hadn’t known before would really get what I was about. I have watched Carolyn with A and she gave him his first shower and carefully helped him and me through the process. She turned a private body function activity into a normal supported activity that was never judged. She has become A’s right hand. I watch how she views what is happening and gives input on things he needs to do. It feels like she understands it’s not easy and he is doing his best. We have had exceptional care at 4th floor rehab. The more I thought about it, the more I knew that Carolyn’s love for her patient resonated and always was shown in her constant care. We have been blessed to be here. Thank you Carolyn for all your care, strength, and support. You really make a difference!