Christina Brown
September 2022
Labor and Delivery
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Terre Haute
United States




I am very grateful to know I went from planning on my husband's support, to thinking I am on my own, to being supported by someone with so much L&D experience who was able to be my calm in the storm.
I am very thankful for all the staff that was there for the birth of my son but I particularly wanted to share how much I appreciate Christi Brown for being by my side. Here's some highlights. First, my husband was a 5th floor patient already when I was scheduled to be induced. There's a long story on how things came to be but the short version is he had an unexpectedly rough day on induction day and he was unable to be my support person or be present for his son's birth. This was very much not what we had planned. I did not walk into Regional that day mentally prepared to deliver alone while no one had answers for why my husband was struggling. Before I continue I want to thank my nurses, the 5E nurses, & any techs who assisted for the time they put into calls coordinating between floors to keep my husband's team appraised of delivery status and maintaining hope he could be there. None of them HAD to do it and I appreciate their compassion for both of us. He wasn't able to come down, but I know the staff tried and made the right calls for everyone's safety.

Once it started looking like my husband wouldn't be available I don't recall Christi leaving the room. She supported me through labor and helped me adjust as things progressed & positions and breathing techniques needed to switch up. I am very grateful to know I went from planning on my husband's support, to thinking I am on my own, to being supported by someone with so much L&D experience who was able to be my calm in the storm.

With Christi's support, I was able to make it through Pitocin contractions without an epidural. Having previously had a poor experience with the epidural placement I wanted to avoid it but with so much life chaos combined with the induction meds, I wasn't sure if I could manage. Christi never voiced her opinion on do or do not but she did encourage me regarding how I was progressing, she did explain all pain management options available, and she did help me feel confident in delivering without the epidural. I'm grateful for the way she presented options & appreciate her supporting my decision not to take the epidural.

Before transition, while I could still talk some, she asked about my delivery with my twins. I'm sure knowing how that went helped her anticipate how this one might go but I also know she was listening. She picked up on some things about my previous birth experience I didn't have a lot of confidence and later when I faced "I can't do this" moments she was able to recall what I had told her, and she pointed out in encouraging ways how I could and was doing this.

Three weeks later I don't think I recall direct quotes but I know how she made me feel and compared to that previous birth experience. I believe everything she said & did falls in the "above & beyond" category. Her support was the perfect steady calm when nothing else in my life felt calm. She was the same steady presence postpartum. She answered questions I figured I should have already known since I wasn't a first timer and she never made me feel silly or ridiculous for having to ask and re-learn.

Her care & compassion are the kind of traits new nurses should strive to achieve. I also want to thank the others working that night who were able to cover other responsibilities so that Christi could devote that time to being by my side. It is clear that the team supported each other well. I'm sure there are more details that I could or should have jotted down if I hadn't waited 3 weeks to send this. The baby is a champ sleeper but the toddlers have regressed so this mama is sleep deprived. I hope this rambling conveys how much the staff as a whole & Christi, in particular, are appreciated. They all played a part in making a stressful slightly chaotic day a little more peaceful and helped give me a very positive birth experience.