Chris Bailey
December 2012
Children's Minnesota
United States




Our son T was life flighted to Children’s Hospital of MSP and spent 5 nights in the PICU. While all of the staff were unbelievable, one stood out. Chris was our son’s primary RN during his stay in the PICU. Chris stood by our son’s side during every one of his shifts explaining everything that he was doing while making sure T was as pain free and comfortable while being sedated. Chris also made sure he was the one to be there when T was taken off the respirator and brought out of sedation. From a parent’s point of view I don't know how we would have made it through this experience if he was not there not only for T but also us. His ability to be forward while compassionate at the same time helped us deal with each situation that presented itself. I don't know what else I can say other than because of our personal experience with Chris we plan on paying it forward by donating to Children's when we can.