Christopher Cooper
August 2022
Cardiovascular Interventional Stepdown Unit
Ascension St. John Hospital
United States




I just want to recognize Chris for his persistence and patience as a nurse and teacher. I want to thank him for showing persistence in reuniting my dad with his daughter and son-in-law.
Chris was my dad’s nurse on the 4th floor North Heart and Cardiovascular Department. We are a family of 6 children and 14 grandchildren. Chris was kind patient and helpful to everyone, especially my dad. My father had his first heart attack at the age of 36 and had heart issues for the remainder of his life. He passed shortly after this stay. Chris knew my dad was not going to be with us much longer but he tried to keep us informed as dad’s condition declined. Chris was patient and tried to explain to each of us dad’s problems and what was occurring in dad’s heart. I am a retired school teacher as I listened to him explain the situation I could see he was a natural teacher. Upon further discussion, I learned Chris is a teacher at Baker College. Wow, I thought how ironic a nurse and a teacher taking care of dad since dad is a retired principal. Chris's explanations were discussed with the other siblings. They all made a comment about what a great job he did explaining things. He broke it down Barney Style. But that is not the reason I am nominating Chris.

Chris is being honored because he went above and beyond the call of duty. On Tuesday, dad was put in Hospice which would now allow all 6 siblings to visit dad. My sister and her husband could not come til after work that day. My sister and her husband took care of my dad in their home for 5 years prior to his being placed in a nursing home. They were very vested in dad and his condition and VERY anxious to see him. They showed up at the front entrance around 7:08 few minutes past visiting hours. Chris went personally down to allow them in since the front desk wasn’t aware of dad's new status. The front desk officer sent my sister and her husband to the emergency entrance since it was past 7:00. They were unaware that Chris was personally trying to help get my family in to see dad. Chris comes back to my dad’s room claiming they are not there. I call them and they are now down in Emergency. Chris goes back down to Emergency, finds them, and personally brings them up to see our dad. My dad died a week later.

I just want to recognize Chris for his persistence and patience as a nurse and teacher. I want to thank him for showing persistence in reuniting my dad with his daughter and son-in-law. I want him to be recognized that sometimes being a good nurse means you have to be a good teacher. He showed patience when explaining and modeling what was going on with dad and his medical condition. Chris, I hope you are honored for your hard work because I know people don’t give you the credit you deserve. I just want you to know I do. Thank you.