Annette Paul
February 2024
Annette Paul
CNI College
Santa Ana
United States




Clarisse helped to develop and implement mentorship opportunities aimed at supplementing members' academic learning and preparing them for successful nursing careers.

As the charter president of CNI College's CNSA chapter, Clarisse spearheaded the establishment of the school’s student nurses' association, laying down the groundwork for an engaged community of nursing students by creating Bylaws specific to our chapter. Through Lunch & Learns, webinars, educating the members of WISEPlace, among other volunteer opportunities, she helped to significantly expanded the membership base, ensuring that a diverse representation of nursing students at CNI College became active participants in CNSA activities. Recognizing the value of nurturing future nursing leaders, Clarisse became actively involved with CNSA on a statewide scale, taking on the role of Vice President. This endeavor was undertaken to empower members to assume responsibilities and make impactful contributions to both our profession and organization.

At both the college and state levels, Clarisse led advocacy campaigns on issues crucial to nursing students, such as improving clinical education standards by going to the state capitol with CACN (California Association of Colleges of Nursing), she constructed resolutions to submit to professional networks to make improvements in the nursing profession, served as a delegate for both the college and state, advocated for student rights, and addressed the challenges faced by aspiring nurses. By forging partnerships with local healthcare institutions, professional nursing associations, community organizations, and enhanced CNSA's impact and facilitated opportunities for our members' professional growth and development which was available to students at the CNSA Annual Convention.

Within CNI College, she helped to develop and implement mentorship opportunities aimed at supplementing members' academic learning and preparing them for successful nursing careers through Be1Support1. Serving as the Vice President of CNSA, Clarisse made sure the monthly newsletter provided resources and educational information to members, was in charge of nominations and elections, organized the Annual Convention along with other board members, advocated for the interests of nursing students statewide, actively participated in policy deliberations, lobbied for legislative reforms, and fostered synergistic relationships among nursing schools across California.