Dawn Wilson
May 2022
A. Wilson
Wilmington HCC
Fayetteville VA NC Coastal Health Care System
United States
If it wasn’t for Nurse Wilson, I probably would not be around to tell this story
One day in July, I went to the VA Clinic for an appointment with audiology. I had not been feeling well so I asked to see my PCP. Instead, I got to see Nurse Dawn Wilson. She checked my vital signs and to talked to my wife about my health. I have always been active and now I have no energy or stamina. Nurse Wilson got in touch with my PCP, and EKG was obtained, stress test and lab work. Two minutes into the test I became short of breath, and it was suggested that I go straight to the ER. Upon arriving at the ER, I was checked in and more test performed. The ED physician told me that he was glad that I didn’t wait two more days and that it might not have ended in my favor. I was diagnosed with pancytopenia and needed a blood transfusion and platelets. If it wasn’t for Nurse Wilson, I probably would not be around to tell this story about how this awesome nurse help to save my life.