Eileen Garrett
September 2016
Labor and Delivery
Penn Medicine Chester County Hospital
West Chester
United States




Eileen is the perfect example of a compassionate, knowledgeable, competent, and deserving nurse for the DAISY Award. Eileen is a WIN program nurse in Labor and Delivery and was there for my babies' delivery. She was so wonderful. She helped me labor through contractions until I got my epidural. She rubbed my back at times, helped me get situated every minute in my bed during contractions. Eileen has such a glow of confidence and her love of nursing was so apparent in the way she cares for a laboring patient. She is comforting, calm and collected. Eileen was organized and attentive. There was never a doubt that when the baby was ready to come she didn't have complete control over the situation. Eileen works as charge nurse also on the unit and other nurses are lucky to have someone so caring as their head nurse. She is a great teacher to students and takes pride in knowing her patients are so well taken care of! Thanks Eileen!