Elizabeth Jahnes
February 2023
Duke Regional Hopsital
Duke University Hospital
United States




I could not have asked for a more thoughtful, attentive, and kind nurse to walk me through the scariest experience of my life.
Nomination 1: Elizabeth made me feel comfortable during my time laboring and went the extra mile in providing me and our newborn care. She was very calming and thoughtful. 
Nomination 2: Liz took unparalleled care of me during my 37-week induction on the Labor & Delivery floor. When I think back to the care that she provided me, I am immediately brought to tears. I could not have asked for a more thoughtful, attentive, and kind nurse to walk me through the scariest experience of my life. Liz taking care of me was the first time that I felt truly listened to and cared for during my pregnancy. I wish I had felt this way the entire time and did not have to wait 37 weeks to feel this way. The PIV insertion Liz performed was flawless. The IV worked flawlessly throughout my labor and delivery and never caused me any pain. She spent time reviewing my birth plan with me and helped me think through the decisions I had to make along my labor journey. She advocated for me and was very aware of my mental and emotional states, caring for the whole of her patient. She asked thoughtful questions on the first day while we waited for things to get started, including taking an interest in the Harry Potter movie we were watching and the Phase 10 card game we were playing. On the second morning of my induction, I was in tears, and she got the midwife and OB resident to sit with me and discuss my concerns and fears. I am also a Duke employee, and one of our values is: “Caring for our patients, their loved ones, and each other.” I felt that she offered as much kindness to my husband as she did to me, which ultimately helped me in the birthing process. One of the most important things Liz did for me was helping me breathe through contractions. I was waiting until I was no longer in pain but suffering to request an epidural. She had the most helpful things to say, including, “Breathe in, breathe out any anxiety and stress.” The fact that I am sitting here, sleep deprived, typing this as my husband sleeps and before we do our son's post-frenectomy tongue stretches at 9 pm speaks to how important I believe Liz receiving this award is. Finally, Liz came to see me in my postpartum room. I immediately burst into tears upon seeing her and wanted to tell her everything that had happened since I had last seen her. Time did not allow me to tell her the entire birth story. I was able to thank her for her care, but I truly want her to know how much it meant to me. 
Nomination 3: Thankfully, Liz was my nurse on the day that I went into labor with my first child, as she normally works nights. I came in with a birth plan. I knew it was possible that some plans would change, but ultimately I should have just thrown out any plans because everything went haywire. Whenever Liz came on, I had just been started on Pitocin due to my labor stalling, and she spent the rest of her shift trying to juggle keeping my labor going while keeping my pain under control, and she did the best she could to make that happen--checking in frequently on how I was doing. I was unable to move much due to fetal decelerations and couldn't turn off of my right side without my child's HR dropping. Liz made sure to find ways to help move me to prevent pressure injuries and keep me comfortable. She also advocated for anesthesia to come and see me when my epidural wore off on my left side from positioning and communicated closely with the midwives in regard to my care. Ultimately I had to undergo a C-section due to the above, and Liz stayed after her shift to accompany me to the OR until my child was born. This was such a relief as I had a familiar face in the suite and didn't have to rely on a nurse to come in that I hadn't formed a bond with. As a fellow nurse, I can only hope that I can make a difference in a patient's hospital stay as Liz did in mine. We now have the cutest little boy and I can look back on his birth without trauma, thanks to Liz and the OB team.