Elizabeth M. Adams
August 2024
Elizabeth M.
Advanced Care- Step Down
Premier Health- Miami Valley Hospital
United States




This Nurse Leader is compassionate, empathetic, funny, and relatable.
It has been a pleasure to learn and work under this Nurse Leader for over 14 years. This Nurse Leader is compassionate, empathetic, funny, and relatable. This Nurse leader makes it a point to meet and introduce herself to members of her team no matter the shift, no matter the title or position. She makes a point to come in early to touch basis with the night shift staff and is always there and willing to help and answer any questions we may have. If she doesn't know, she will find it out! She goes above and beyond to ensure that we have the tools and equipment needed to do our jobs. If we notify her that we need something, this Leader makes it a point to either get it or find out how to get it. This leader also advocates for and supports her team. She delivers messages in a way that we may not like the message, but we understand and respect her for her honesty. She is passionate and understanding and works with her team no matter what the situation may arise. This leader encourages work and life balance. She understands that things may happen in life, that everything isn't black and white, and that some people just need someone to give them a chance. She works around schedules due to babysitting issues, for example. She is always looking out for her team and has shaped our team into a family. I don't know where we would be without this leader. We are truly blessed to have her as our Leader!