Eric De La Mora
March 2022
De La Mora
David Grant Medical Center - USAF
Travis AFB
United States




Time is of the essence in these situations and his quick actions were crucial to the patient and her newborn’s safety.
SSgt De Le Mora was the 4NO-Medical Technician (LVN) on duty for a laboring patient. Her labor eventually turned into an emergency c-section. SSgt De La Mora didn’t hesitate or become frustrated. He did exactly what he needed to do to get the patient into surgery quickly. Time is of the essence in these situations and his quick actions were crucial to the patient and her newborn’s safety. Unfortunately, the infant was delivered with a dangerously low heart rate signaling SSgt De La Mora that the baby was in distress. He immediately took action; initiated neonatal resuscitation, alerted MD and monitored the infant until he became stable. Many technicians can come to work, perform well, and go home proud of themselves but SSgt De La Mora is truly one of the best. I would trust him with my own life and the life of my child. Please seriously consider honoring his hard work and dedication.