Erin Hobgood
December 2021
Special Care Nursery
Wake Med Health & Hospitals Cary
United States




I was extremely anxious going into surgery but knowing Erin was there to care for our baby girl gave me so much comfort.
I first met Erin on the worst day of my life. When my son was 3 days old, he coded in the special care nursery and received lifesaving intervention by more hospital staff than I could count. Erin was one of them. When she first introduced herself, she was pumping each breath into our son’s lungs after he was intubated. My husband and I were terrified. When everything seemed to be spinning around us, she took the time to explain what was going on and what was going to happen going forward. Our son, L, was transported to the NICU and stayed for a total of 30 days. Erin came to visit us throughout our stay, she was so kind, always provided reassurance, and I looked forward to seeing her familiar face and was touched by her genuine care.

Fast forward to June 2021 when Erin had worked my planned C-section of our daughter, E. Everyone we came in contact with that morning had already talked to Erin and was so excited for us. It was like Erin had done all the planning and preparation for an actual birthday celebration! I was extremely anxious going into surgery but knowing Erin was there to care for our baby girl gave me so much comfort. She made sure someone captured our first family moments, made the cutest bow hat, documented all of Emma’s stats beautifully, and even wrote down the songs that were playing during her birth.

Erin’s outstanding care didn’t stop after our amazing delivery. She helped me through a lot of grief when we were facing another NICU admission. She understood the PTSD we had from the events with L and without even asking, made sure E was not placed in the same room L had been in. Nurses like Erin are worth their weight in gold. She will always hold a special place in our hearts for all she has done for our family.