July 2024
Evangelina M
El Paso VA Health Care System
El Paso
United States
Ms. Eva is 1 hour early on a daily basis, out of her own free will, to begin her daily task of helping her team of Veterans. She takes her dedication to heart.
Integrity: Ms. Eva is always respectful to Veterans and staff. Her willingness to listen and help is very evident.
Commitment: Ms. Eva is 1 hour early on a daily basis, out of her own free will, to begin her daily task of helping her team of Veterans. She takes her dedication to heart.
Advocacy: This nurse is not afraid to speak out for patients' well-being and make suggestions for their healthcare.
Respect: RN Alvarez maintains her composure regardless of the difficult situation and always keeps respect for those she is treating or collaborating with.
Excellence: As the provider for Team B3, who works directly with this RN on a daily basis, I see that she is an amazing asset to my PACT Team. Often a patient says to me that she has gone above and beyond to be helpful to them, she listens, and is kind to them. This to me, is reassuring that I have an awesome nurse on my team. She is quick to step in to help our team members, patients, and other employees when they need it. Ms. Eva does this with a smile and never complains. She is truly a DAISY Award Nurse Champion. Ms. Evan, RN, has many years of experience that she fondly shares with us.
Commitment: Ms. Eva is 1 hour early on a daily basis, out of her own free will, to begin her daily task of helping her team of Veterans. She takes her dedication to heart.
Advocacy: This nurse is not afraid to speak out for patients' well-being and make suggestions for their healthcare.
Respect: RN Alvarez maintains her composure regardless of the difficult situation and always keeps respect for those she is treating or collaborating with.
Excellence: As the provider for Team B3, who works directly with this RN on a daily basis, I see that she is an amazing asset to my PACT Team. Often a patient says to me that she has gone above and beyond to be helpful to them, she listens, and is kind to them. This to me, is reassuring that I have an awesome nurse on my team. She is quick to step in to help our team members, patients, and other employees when they need it. Ms. Eva does this with a smile and never complains. She is truly a DAISY Award Nurse Champion. Ms. Evan, RN, has many years of experience that she fondly shares with us.