Gabriel Broxton
November 2015
Piedmont Newnan Hospital
United States




Just after 2am on the night of October 15th a non-English speaking pregnant mother presented to the ED unresponsive and actively bleeding. The patient was quickly transferred to the L&D operating room and delivered 10 minutes after transfer to L&D with the help of MD, anesthesia, neonatology, RN's, Security, techs, and many more.
One very special nurse stood out above all during this event - Gabriel Broxton, RN from the emergency department. The Women's Services team describes him as their "Angel - Gabe". They said he was essential in assisting the Women's Services department during this life threatening obstetrical emergency. Gabe even clocked back in after his shift was to end to assist the team.
Thank you Gabe, for helping PNH save the life of this mother and newborn - your extra hands during the height of this obstetrical emergency made the difference between life and death for a young married mother of three.
Follow-up on this patient; after admission time in the ICU for mom and the NICU for the baby, weeks later both are home and are doing great!