Georgette Young
February 2024
Pediatrics, Ellison 17
Massachusetts General Hospital
United States
Georgette really took care of me too, not just our son.
Georgette Young has gone above and beyond in every possible way in taking care of our son and family over the past 8 months. Our son was an inpatient at MGH for 44 days, due to complications from surgery to remove a tumor. He has been inpatient a few more times since then to receive chemotherapy. We have been so fortunate that Georgette has taken care of our son for much of his stay. He has a feeding tube, and due to a paralyzed vocal cord, was suffering chronic aspiration, with repeated infections and a readmission to the PICU for aspiration complications. Throughout his stay, our son’s improvement plateaued, and he still required intermittent oxygen and suctioning, unable to manage his secretions well enough to go home. Unprompted, Georgette organized a multidisciplinary team meeting. That meeting was the turning point in his recovery. After discussing his symptoms and possible treatments, the team decided the next step was an injection of Botox in his salivary glands to reduce secretion amount. After that procedure, he dramatically improved and was discharged 4 days later, concluding that initial 44-day inpatient stay. As parents, we still marvel at the speed Georgette was able to get half a dozen disciplines together in person to come up with a new plan. The back-and forth conversation and comparing notes on his trajectory made all the difference in his care plan. Having to return for chemotherapy, Georgette was a wealth of information. She shared her experience caring for other children with neuroblastoma and chemo, explaining the symptoms they commonly felt and the times of day they felt the worst. As our son is too young to describe any symptoms, this has been invaluable in how we structure his days, time his tube feeds, and provide comfort. We learned most children feel the most nausea in the morning. Armed with that knowledge, we make sure our son gets anti nausea medicine well before his first tube feed of the day! When we learn Georgette is taking care of our son, we feel immediate relief and comfort. We have had many providers during the course of our son's treatment, and Georgette is able to give me a break from worry. Having a child with serious medical problems can be isolating. Also, Georgette laughs at my terrible jokes, and knows the importance of a quality cheese plate, which goes a long way to making me happier! During the end of my son's first admission, I was over 8 months pregnant. I couldn't eat in front of him because it would upset him since he couldn't eat. Georgette noticed me trying to sneak bites of food, and that I was on my feet too much from leaning over his crib. She swept in, brought our son a toy car to ride around in, and gave him a tour of the unit while she insisted I sit and eat. She continued to remind me to take some breaks to eat. Sadly, I needed the reminders and help, and wouldn't have stopped to take care of myself without her prompting. Georgette really took care of me too, not just our son. I have learned about how the award started, and that recipients often state they were just doing their jobs. I assume Georgette would say the same, not realizing the deep and lifelong impact she has already had on our family. Georgette embodies the kindness and depth of understanding of patients' needs the DAISY award is meant to recognize.