Heather Yancey
August 2017
Salem Health
United States
Heather Yancey is an amazing clinician. She is thorough with her care to her patients, advocating and working hard for them. She is very knowledgeable. She is a charge nurse on our floor as well. Heather has been the primary nurse to some very complicated patients on our floor not only because she is a seasoned experienced nurse but because she can care for critical patients well. She is calm and collective and her critical thinking skills are amazing. She sees small signs when patients are not doing well and knows what to do for them whether it be treatments or movement to a higher level of care. Heather was instrumental in getting a very sick saddle PE patient transferred to ICU where they received TPA and had to be life-flighted to OHSU after coding later in the shift. If Heather wouldn't have acted upon her clinical instincts this patient's outcome could have been very different.
Heather's compassion is evident in her care each and every day. She recently was the primary RN for a long-term home vent/trach patient.She bonded well with both the patient, caregivers, and family. They were always eager to see Heather return after her days off. She coordinated "field trips" for this patient to the outside courtyard, no easy feat for a ventilated, quad patient, but she did it, not once but multiple times. She also spent her own hours making him a handmade quilt with his name on it. Heather provides great service to her patients each day. Heather is always giving of her knowledge and offering her insight into situations. Heather jumps right in to give baths, transfer patients, pull sheaths. Whatever the need, she does it with a positive attitude and smile. Heather is one of the most compassionate people and nurses I know. She is patient as well. She has bonded with some of the patients that are here long-term and they love her and trust her. She is always smiling and positive and kind to her patients and their families and co-workers as well.
Heather is a committed member of the IMCU team and a mentor and preceptor to students and new grads. She recently offered and shared education at a staff meeting about chest tubes just to refresh everyone. It was excellent, staff raved about all she had taught them.She is always educating and is approachable to ask anything to. She is a great resource for staff, experienced and new alike. She is highly respected by her peers and doctors and her management team. She is highly valued and an asset to our team!Heather possesses some of the best clinical skills on our unit. She is the "go-to" with any clinical questions. Even when she is not filling the role of charge nurse, our staff seek her out for assistance. She was awarded the Service Excellence Award a few years back due to her exemplary service at the hospital and on our floor. IMCU has a "Teammate of the Month" project and Heather has been nominated and won several times. One nomination spoke about a man going home who had no shoes. First Heather checked the clothing closet but when she didn't find anything there she went down to the gift shop and bought him some slippers to wear home. This is one example of many things that Heather does for people. Heather is always committed to excellence with her care of her patients. She is always going above and beyond for patients and coworkers. She is dependable, loving, and kind, and everyone who meets her loves her.
She also heads up the IMCU Comfort Quilt project, which has made hundreds of quilts for patients who are dying.These bring comfort to both the patients and their families, but also give staff a sense of pride in making them with their own hands and being able to share it with patients.Heather volunteers her time, teaches willing participants how to quilt, and opens her home once a month for this project. The cupboard of quilts never stays full. Staff, patients, and families love this gift from us.
All these stories exemplify Heather's commitment to excellence. She lives and breathes it every day! She is beyond deserving of the DAISY Award!
Heather's compassion is evident in her care each and every day. She recently was the primary RN for a long-term home vent/trach patient.She bonded well with both the patient, caregivers, and family. They were always eager to see Heather return after her days off. She coordinated "field trips" for this patient to the outside courtyard, no easy feat for a ventilated, quad patient, but she did it, not once but multiple times. She also spent her own hours making him a handmade quilt with his name on it. Heather provides great service to her patients each day. Heather is always giving of her knowledge and offering her insight into situations. Heather jumps right in to give baths, transfer patients, pull sheaths. Whatever the need, she does it with a positive attitude and smile. Heather is one of the most compassionate people and nurses I know. She is patient as well. She has bonded with some of the patients that are here long-term and they love her and trust her. She is always smiling and positive and kind to her patients and their families and co-workers as well.
Heather is a committed member of the IMCU team and a mentor and preceptor to students and new grads. She recently offered and shared education at a staff meeting about chest tubes just to refresh everyone. It was excellent, staff raved about all she had taught them.She is always educating and is approachable to ask anything to. She is a great resource for staff, experienced and new alike. She is highly respected by her peers and doctors and her management team. She is highly valued and an asset to our team!Heather possesses some of the best clinical skills on our unit. She is the "go-to" with any clinical questions. Even when she is not filling the role of charge nurse, our staff seek her out for assistance. She was awarded the Service Excellence Award a few years back due to her exemplary service at the hospital and on our floor. IMCU has a "Teammate of the Month" project and Heather has been nominated and won several times. One nomination spoke about a man going home who had no shoes. First Heather checked the clothing closet but when she didn't find anything there she went down to the gift shop and bought him some slippers to wear home. This is one example of many things that Heather does for people. Heather is always committed to excellence with her care of her patients. She is always going above and beyond for patients and coworkers. She is dependable, loving, and kind, and everyone who meets her loves her.
She also heads up the IMCU Comfort Quilt project, which has made hundreds of quilts for patients who are dying.These bring comfort to both the patients and their families, but also give staff a sense of pride in making them with their own hands and being able to share it with patients.Heather volunteers her time, teaches willing participants how to quilt, and opens her home once a month for this project. The cupboard of quilts never stays full. Staff, patients, and families love this gift from us.
All these stories exemplify Heather's commitment to excellence. She lives and breathes it every day! She is beyond deserving of the DAISY Award!