Jacquelyn Gonza
October 2016
Surgical GU & Abd Unit
St. Joseph's Health
United States




Jackie has been a role model for many students, nurses, and other healthcare team members for almost 45 years. She has always been a nurse with extensive knowledge in her practice and she shares this knowledge with all those that she encounters throughout the day. Jackie builds bonding relationships with both her patients and their family members.
Jackie had cared for a patient for an extended period of time. While this patient was in the hospital, his first grandchildren were born and then they were going to be in town for a visit. Jackie had arranged for the family to visit in the lounge on the unit so that they would have more privacy. As a result of Jackie's actions, this family was able to have a memorable first visit with their loved one.
Another day, one of Jackie's patients was going to the operating room. This patient did not have any family members available to be with her the day of surgery. When the time came for the patient to go to surgery, Jackie walked down to the pre-induction room with her so she did not have to go down alone. Jackie has always showed how thoughtful, caring, and compassionate that she is and for this, she is a DAISY Nurse!