Jeanne Grant
February 2017
Banner Thunderbird Medical Center
United States




Jeanne is frequently talking with patients and families and always knows the right things to say and do to make them feel more comfortable.
Last Sunday, Jeanne had a patient who was on a ventilator. It was noted that the code cart was in front of a room (which is often a scary sign) and the family was in the room. The family was just clearly distraught, had just made the patient a DNR, and they were going to withdraw care. What was thought to be a quick procedure, lasted many hours which made the family more scared. Jeanne explained to the family that this recently happened to her and shared her emotional experience. She further told them that she was there to support them. Jeanne also mentioned she didn't want to go to lunch because she wanted to be there to support the patient's family in this time of profound sadness.
A patient's wife stated that her husband had open heart surgery here a couple weeks ago. During the first few days of his recovery, she met Jeanne Grant. She stated she felt that Jeanne was an integral part of her husband being alive today. She said she was very scared when he came back from surgery and Jeanne's critical thinking and "hooking things up fast" saved his life, and she is very grateful.
Jeanne was incredible. In the darkest and scariest days of my life, Jeanne was a light. Her calm and caring nature, as well as the way she tooktimeto explain to me what was going on, was so comforting. What an incredible person you are!