Jennifer Funk
July 2021
Labor & Delivery
Winchester Medical Center
United States




Jennifer expressed empathy that things had not gone ‘to plan’ and offered the exact words of encouragement I needed to hear at that moment.
It is hard to put into words exactly why Jennifer Funk is so deserving of this award. Throughout my stay, she provided a consistent level of care that was medically high quality and intensely patient-focused.

One particular instance that stands out was about 24 hours into my labor. I was extremely exhausted and feeling defeated, as nothing had really gone according to my birth plan. I had hoped for a natural, unmedicated birth that would begin organically. However, after a fall, I had to be induced.

The process of induction started the day prior to Jennifer’s shift with me, and it had been tumultuous, as I had to be taken on and off the Pitocin several times due to the baby’s heart rate dropping with my contractions. At this particular point, I was uncomfortable, worried, anxious, and frustrated with myself for feeling defeated. Jennifer was able to pick up on this instantly upon entering my room.

After tending to my IV, she stopped to sit with me before leaving the room. She expressed empathy that things had not gone ‘to plan’ and offered the exact words of encouragement I needed to hear at that moment, eliminating any guilt I had felt and instilling even greater confidence in her and the team overseeing my care. Although I cannot remember the exact words that Jennifer said to me, I can distinctly remember the feeling of relief and comfort following. At that time, she sat with me and tended to my emotional needs, without my or my care partner's prompting.

There were several other instances in which Jennifer went above and beyond to care for me that have made a lasting impression and will change how I interact with my own patients daily. I was hospitalized at WMC for over three days, two of which were spent in Labor & Delivery. I received care from many nurses, but Jennifer stands out, even among the others who were excellent as well.