January 2021
Women's Wing
Medical Center Enterprise




I remember the birth of my son, but one of the things I remember even more clearly is the care I received from Jennifer.
My pregnancy, in its entirety, was wonderful, but frightening. We had problems prior to this pregnancy and several problems during. Every day that our little man kept growing and staying put was a blessing. Two months prior to my scheduled delivery (cesarean), while working, I started to notice that the tightness and pain I was experiencing was much more than Braxton Hicks. I was immediately admitted for observation in Labor & Delivery. I was not dilated and after several hours I was released home; they could not find anything wrong or unusual. During the evening I began bleeding and had incredible pain. I contacted Labor & Delivery and they told me to get in as quickly as I can. I was again admitted to the Labor & Delivery unit. We thought there was something wrong with the baby or even that he was coming prematurely; either way, we were not prepared. It turns out that I was experiencing full-blown labor contractions, something I have never experienced before since my first pregnancy was also a cesarean. Now, I was even more frightened and worried that on top of all my complications, I was going to have to deliver as VBAC.
I had the most amazing nurse at my side the entire time, Jennifer Kimball. I am not sure I could have kept my sanity if it was not for her. She assured me that first and foremost my baby and I were perfectly fine. Again, I had not dilated, not even a quarter of a centimeter, but the contractions were coming in quicker and stronger. She did not leave my side. She held my hand and was the most patient person I have ever come in contact with. It could be said that this is something a nurse typically does, but I will argue that Jennifer found a way to put my fears, worries, and frustration aside. In those moments, when all the emotions washed over me, she made me feel like I was more than just a chart number. I truly felt like I was the only patient in this facility and as though she was caring for her own loved one.
Imagine feeling hopeless, lost, and not in control of what will happen to you and your unborn child, now throw COVID-19 into that mix. This all took place close to the beginning of COVID-19 hitting our nation. At that time there were so many unknowns, but there were a lot of changes in the hospital settings. Not once did I feel isolated or uncomfortable. Jennifer was a calming presence for me and my husband. She was incredibly thorough and went into great detail in explaining everything to us both. This was not my first time in a hospital setting, but this was the first time I have ever been so aware of my care and what was taking place. That speaks volumes to the type of nurse she is. With all the craziness taking place around her, she still had the time and desire to care for me and treat me the way she did. It is far too easy to use this pandemic as an excuse for lack of patient care and quite frankly truly caring for that patient as an individual. She was so poised and confident that she made me and my husband feel some of that control come back to us. That was not an easy feat considering what I had gone through.
Jennifer embodies what we as patients imagine and pray our nurses will be like. Book knowledge makes you a good nurse, but People Skills make you a GREAT Nurse! You cannot teach that and I am so thankful that Jennifer naturally has those skills. I had my son, as scheduled, two months later. I was sad when I did not get to see Jennifer again or have her as my nurse. I remember the birth of my son, but one of the things I remember even more clearly is the care I received from Jennifer. She is someone I am eternally grateful for. Medical Center Enterprise is extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful, caring soul such as her to be treating their patients. Because no matter the terrible things they are going through, she made all that negativity go away and replaced it with an amazing experience. There are not enough "Thank You's" that I could provide her alone. I pray she is treated as wonderful as she treats her patients. Thank you again, Jennifer!!!