Jenny Kunes
October 2020
Ascension St. Agnes




As the pain subsided, Jenny never left the patient's side, and touched her arm, and spoke reassuring words to her.
Jenny was nominated by a patient who she attended to following a surgical procedure. The patient was very scared going into the surgery and was in great pain following her procedure. The patient writes in the nomination, "When I awoke in recovery, all I could say was 'pain.' I saw this sweet young lady who told me she was going to take good care of me." At one point the patient realized she was crying and Jenny took out a tissue to dry her tears. As the pain subsided, Jenny never left the patient's side, and touched her arm, and spoke reassuring words to her. The patient shares that it made her feel as if she were in a "cocoon and everything was going to be alright because I had Jenny."
The patient does not remember leaving recovery but says she never had the chance to thank her nurse before she left. She writes in the nomination, "I don't think I thanked Jenny or expressed in any way how much her care had not only taken away my pain, but comforted me, and I was no longer scared." Jenny is a true DAISY Nurse.