Jessica Wyma
May 2024
Surgical Specialty Clinics
Ralph H Johnson VA Medical Center
United States
She is a strong and empathetic leader.
Jessica Wyma is the type of leader that serves by example. As an ER nurse, Wyma is not afraid of any challenge that she faces. She served in the military and understands the values and vision of serving at a VA hospital. She frequently rounds the clinics throughout the day to ensure her staff is taken care of, and their needs are being met so they can continue to provide the best care for their Veterans. She’s one of the first to respond to a rapid response to offer support and one of the last to leave to assist in clinic. She is not beneath getting vitals to help triage. As a brand new employee, I recently encountered a Veteran in a manic episode with suicidal ideations and Wyma immediately came to clinic to support me to find the safest way to bring in this veteran in; and she escalated my concerns to nursing administration to ensure someone from the suicide team was available in person to facilitate a safe arrival. She is a strong and empathetic leader. She has modernized several surgical clinics to improve the workflow of nursing and provide more efficient and safer Veteran-centered care. She has supported several clinic process improvement projects to improve the safety of the Veterans.