Justin Henry
August 2016
Operating Room
St. Anthony's Medical Center
St. Louis
United States
I was going out to my car after work and saw Justin standing on his tip toes and pointing a key fob around. There was an elderly lady next to him, and his car in the middle of the aisle. This lady, who just lost her husband a month before was leaving the ER with wounds on her face after falling. She had gone in the ER but came out the main entrance and couldn't find her car. Justin saw her, parked his car, got out and was using the lady's keys to try to find her car. He could hear it but she couldn't. He then took her in his car and drove her to hers, which was five aisles over, and helped her in. He could have just left after a long day of work, but he took the time to help this elderly lady. This meant a lot to me because I have an elderly widowed mother myself who is losing her hearing. She comes to St. Anthony's often. If she ever got lost or disoriented in the hospital or the parking lot, I would want someone to help her as Justin helped this patient. His job didn't end just because his shift was over in the OR. The lady asked if he worked here or was her "guardian angel". I say yes to both!