Kaitlyn Bertrand
July 2023
Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center
United States




Kaitlyn was so compassionate and treated him as her own dad.

Who would have thought that the phone call the early morning hours of May 2023 would have changed my life forever? My 84-year-old dad, who lived alone across the street from me, called my brother and I asking us to come over. He said he did not feel right and was short of breath. We quickly went over. After taking his vitals which were good, I told him I would stay with him. He rested for a few hours and when he woke up, he has his coffee and told us he felt ok. Within a few minutes, he changed his mind and requested to go to the hospital by ambulance.

Upon arriving at Ochsner’s Hospital in Lafayette, many tests were ran. After a few days, it was determined that he had suffered a heart attack. An angiogram was performed, and it was determined that he would need open heart surgery. He spent a few days in ICU and was moved to a regular room on the 6th floor. My dad’s blood count started to decrease. It was determined that he had a GI bleed. Everything became a blur - just a few days before my dad was fine and now, he was fighting for his life.

During his hospital stay there were many nurses that cared for my dad. He was a very outgoing person and enjoyed meeting new people, however, he did want things done his way. One particular nurse stood out to me. Kaitlyn Bertrand had such patience with him trying to meet his every need in the way he wanted. She spoke to him and made him feel like his feelings mattered.

Daddy’s heath continued to decline. Kaitlyn was so compassionate and treated him as her own dad. She was also very supportive to me and my family. She took note that there was a particular song that was his favorite and reminded him of my deceased mom, who he missed dearly. My dad was very weak and had been in the bed for a long period of time. He passed a great amount of blood, which began to irritate his skin causing discomfort. When it was time to bathe or anything uncomfortable for my dad, Kaitlyn played his song, and may have even sung for him. This meant the world not only to him but to us.

Kaitlyn took the time to do the things that made him comfortable. I can remember one particular evening when he had experienced a rough day and was feeling discouraged. He expressed his discouragement to Kaitlyn. She quickly reassured him how much she wanted to help him and see him through this difficult time. She reminded him how much he meant to his family and how much we needed him. I know my dad appreciated her tough love and words of encouragement. I will never forget that moment.

Another day that really stood out to me is the last morning my dad was on the 6th floor and Kaitlyn was caring for my dad. It began like what I thought was just another blood transfusion. My siblings and I did not leave my dad alone because he felt more comfortable with one of us in the room at all times. When Kaitlyn came in along with Nurse L to start the transfusion, I asked if he would be ok with these two ladies so I could go down for breakfast. He replied yes. When I returned, Kaitlyn and L  were still in the room along with several other nurses. I sat and watched the compassion Kaitlyn had for him. I count not help but notice the concern that grew in her face.

 Kaitlyn explained to me that she felt moving him to ICU might be what he needed to have quicker access to the blood products he needed. I could tell everyone was trying to remain professional, but things were declining. Kaitlyn continued to advocate for him. This move made such a bittersweet difference. Within hours of being transported to ICU he became eligible for the move to Ochsner's in NOLA for a procedure that he needs and was not available in Lafayette. Upon arriving in NOLA, we were told that Kaitlyn has already requested that special care be given to my dad and informed the staff of things that made him comfortable, even his favorite song. Kaitlyn went above and beyond to know he was comfortable.

 After my dad’s transfer, I continued to review messages inquiring of his progress. His health continued to decline. Although the nurses were professional, they were not Kaitlyn. After the doctors in NOLA completed the procedure  my dad was brought there for, he even requested to be transported back to Ochsner’s in Lafayette so  his nurses could take care of him. He felt such a great bond with them. Unfortunately, my dad’s journey came to an end in April 2023. Kaitlyn and a couple of the nurses came to the wake for my dad. I feel Kaitlyn should be recognized for her compassion patients and their families.